
Calcium Deficiency

Do you take the optimal amount of calcium? … Today 1 in 6 Canadians over 15 years old report symptoms of joint inflammation or related/similar joint conditions, and two-thirds of those affected are women (Arthritis Society).   If you live in the GTA, Toronto, Niagara, Burlington, Hamilton, or Buffalo and you would like to address any joint health issues, our advanced clinical nutrition protocol provides a viable approach.


Joint pain (arthralgia), fibromyalgia, arthritis (osteoporosis or rheumatoid), and osteopenia are classic joint health problems experienced by millions of Canadians.

As with many health conditions, joint health is associated with one or more layers of common nutritional and metabolic syndromes.  Two of the primary nutritional problems associated with joint health are calcium deficiency and dominance.

Joint Health: Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is needed for the formation of the outer portion of our bones.  Calcium deficiency is considered common but it is actually is less common than calcium dominance (see below).  If bone is calcium deficient it tends to be less dense on the outside than the inside making than more prone to fracture.

Calcium is found is a vast array of foods not just dairy so increasing dietary calcium is as simple as eating a variety of foods which is a basic longevity principle.

If you have low vitamin D levels it is important to address this because calcium absorption and utilization is highly dependent on vitamin D.

Calcium Deficiency: The BodyMindLink

Common symptoms of calcium deficiency include heavy metal deposition, conditions with increased risk of brain or heart cell death, osteoporosis, osteopenia, and stone formation (with or without bile duct blockage or urinary tract obstruction; includes kidney stones).

Joint Health: Calcium Dominance

The inner portion of bones (the matrix) is comprised most densely of protein, phosphorous and magnesium, not calcium.

Some estimate that 80% of us are slow metabolizers who retain the sedative mineral calcium.   If your body is dominant in calcium, then which could create brittle bones with greater risk of break or fracture.

If you take calcium supplements in a calcium dominant situation the outer bone could become stronger than the core and risk fracture.   Some slow metabolizers benefit from taking calcium but only for a short while.  Women dosing calcium are often reporting exhaustion, depression, panic, paranoia, sleep problems, headaches, poor concentration, and poor memory.

Some medical professionals argue that calcification by supplementation is a non-issue because calcium is highly regulated, but many are comfortable advising low or no calcium supplementation when there is a history of calcification.

Acidic dominance in calcium deposition conditions (gall stones, kidney stones, osteoarthritis, skin dryness, premature aging, joint stiffness) is common.   The human body strictly maintains acid-alkaline balance by keeping our pH level within the narrow range of 7.35-7.45.   If you are acidic, the body walls off (creating stones, solid masses, arterial hardening) areas to keep acidity at bay.

Calcium & Acidic Dominance: The BodyMindLink

Common mental health symptoms of calcium dominance include difficulty relaxing (forever busy), worry and anxiety.  General or physical symptoms of calcium dominance include decreased libido, exhaustion, gall stones, kidney stones, osteoarthritis, skin dryness, premature aging, and joint stiffness.

Acidic dominance is associated with joint and muscular pain, mucous buildup, cold hands/feet, poor libido, heartburn, dizziness, metallic taste, sensitivity to chemicals, strong smelling urine, and hyperactivity.

Calcium and Mental Health

Mental health associated issues where calcium has a role are also common.



The BodyMindLink series by Dr Ray Pataracchia ND provides insight on Naturopathic approaches that matter and have the potential to benefit general and mental health.   Clinical approaches discussed are implemented by the Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic (NMRC) in Toronto, Ontario.  This clinic treats a wide array of health conditions. 

Disclaimer: Information provided is not to be used for self-assessment, diagnosis or treatment.  We advise readers to discuss these topics with their health care provider or book an appointment with our Toronto clinic.