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time for lunch

Do you struggle to keep lunch interesting for your kids? Here we discuss good nutrition and five nutrient-rich recipes in time for the start of another school year.

MindCheck provides weekly in-depth information on the orthomolecular approach to coping with mood, behavior and psychotic disorders.  This series by Dr. Ray Pataracchia N.D. is endorsed by the  Mindful Network – ‘A Better Future for Children’s Mental Health’.

A Nutritious Lunch  – A Nutrient-Lifestyle Perspective

The Advantages of a Tasty Nutritious Lunch

If kids don’t like what you give them, they wont eat it.  The key to success is having tasty lunches. Nutrient-rich food has tremendous advantages for brain and body health.  The health of the brain is dependent on protein-rich meals with lots of vitamins and minerals.  An in-depth description of the array of nutrient deficiencies and syndromes associated with kids’ mood and behavior are provided in my Five-Part Series on Kids Mental Health.

Orthomolecular Nutritional Treatment is also another good approach for kids with difficulty achieving academic landmarks or if depression, anxiety, ADD or other behavior issues are of concern.

Nutritious Lunch Recipes Times Five

Kids eating preferences change frequently.  The best approach is to have a variety of tasty and healthy recipes to choose from. Many of the sample recipe ideas described below are included in my blog on healthy high-protein gluten-free recipes for kids.

Your week will be less stressful and your kids will be happier if you have five lunches planned in advance on Sunday. 

Sample Plan

1) Nitrate-Free Meat Rolls Provide meat in rolls or with cheese (if not intolerant) and gluten-free crackers. This is a simple high protein component of a healthy lunch. 2) Bacon-Lettuce Sandwiches Sandwiches can be made with or without gluten-free bread/bagel with thick slices tomato if desired.  Again, cheese can be included if not intolerant. 3) Organic Soup Various flavors of Organic Gluten-free Soup can be purchased if you don’t have the time to make your own.  Soup is an amazing food source especially if there is a high quality protein (meat, eggs) source in it. 4) Tuna and Crackers Tuna mixed with mayonnaise, salt, and pepper tends to be a go to meal and this can be provided on crackers or a gluten-free bread/bagel. 5) Pizza Use a gluten-free bagel as a base and add tomato sauce and favorite toppings (pineapple, ham, pepperoni, olives, cheese, etcetera).  Heat in oven.

Nutritious Treats Go with Lunch 

Keep it healthy and you may be surprised.

Kids need incentive and a lunch without a treat is not a lunch, so here is some incentive!

1) Fresh Sliced Fruit.  Sliced Fruit that is in season is the best tasting and carries the most nutrients.  Kiwi or some non-domestic fruit choices are often good choices as a treat; passion fruit is another good example.  Keep it interesting by rotating fruit choices. 2) Guacamole and tortilla chips, with or without salsa. 3) Slices of Cheese (if not intolerant) with cut vegetables and garnish. 4) Squash or Pumpkin Seeds – bake fresh seeds in the oven with sea salt and olive oil. 5) Smoothies 6) Trail Mix –Trail mix ingredients include nuts (peanuts only if your child is not allergic and is not taking it to school!), dark chocolate chips (or chunks/pieces), seeds (sunflower, etcetera), pure dried fruit (prune/apple/banana, etcetera).  Get kids involved in custom assembly. Keep a ready supply of ingredients in a compartmentalized storage container. 7) Gluten-free cereal with Coconut Milk – Chex, Natural Corn Flakes, and Crispy Rice cereals are readily available. 8) Dried Seaweed – this is a salty, crunchy, mineral rich alternative to potato chips. 9) Chips – potato or vegetable chips are okay in moderation, so long as they have no preservatives. 10) Ants on a Log – celery sticks with non-allergic nut butter, topped with dried cranberries or raisins. 11) Nut Butter Sandwich Combo – use any desired combination of non-allergic nut butter, natural raw honey, chocolate nut spread or jam.  Toast gluten-free bread from frozen (or if preferred, simply unthaw it in the toaster), then layer sides individually with nut butter/spread/jam.  Sandwich in fresh sprouts or sliced bananas if desired.  Pure jam can be made in the summer and stored for the season; purchased forms have higher sugar content but are okay in moderation.

A Healthy Breakfast

It is imperative to have a good start to the day.  Oriental Medicine philosophy endorses getting a solid morning meal because nutrient absorption is said to be at its maximum then.  Dinner and lunch ideas can often be used for breakfast or you can try a smoothie with protein powder or some creation with eggs or meat.